“Rest” day???

Today was technically my “rest day.”  😉

Fortunately I was able to sleep in a little this morning because I definitely felt as if I needed it.  I knew today was going to be a long day, and I wouldn’t be getting out by noon like I have been lately.  It’s okay..I was totally excited and prepared for a fun day with the RD at the hospital.  I’ve discovered that I really like shadowing because you get an insight into all different sides of being an RD…but more on that later. 😀

     I was craving myself a Green Monster this morning so I made a delicious concoction of:

  • Chocolate Amazing Grass Meal packet (these are delicious…seriously, if you’re thinking of trying out amazing grass, give the chocolate ones a go first…yum!)
  • 1 c. milk
  • 1 banana
  • 4 c. spinach
  • a little more then a cup’s worth of ice cubes

Perfect…:D  I also paired it with a Kashi Honey Toasted 7 Grain bar for some healthy fats and crunch. 😀


Off I went to the hospital, with my snack in tow!!  The last of the whole-wheat walnut raisin bread with a big glob of almond butter smeared all over.  I almost forgot how much I loved this stuff!!  It was stuffed way in the back of my fridge, because peanut butter has been steeling the spotlight lately.  Time to get hooked on this stuff again!!  Too bad it’s the bottom of the jar. 😀


I also packed this lunch to bring along.  The salad included:

  • mesculin mixed greens
  • carrot slices
  • 1/4 an avocado
  • slice of turkey meatloaf leftovers from last night
  • red wine vinegar to sprinkle on top

On the side I packed some Annie’s Whole Wheat Bunnies and some apple slices drizzled with orange juice to prevent unsightly browning. 😉



That lunch actually wasn’t eaten for lunch!!  The RD I was shadowing for today told me I was welcome to attend a luncheon with her so of course I said yes. 😀 

      Speaking of shadowing, today was great!!  I learned so much and saw a side to being an RD that made me really excited.  This RD was in charge of the Rehabilitation Floor.  I was able to see how she interacted with the patients, including the occasional need for a Spanish interpreter (which made me wish I had studied Spanish in high school!!.)  And she was really good about spending time with the people without rushing off to get to work on the gazillion other things she had to do. 😀 

     The luncheon was really interesting as well.  Most of the RD’s from the hospital were there, along with a couple of men from a sales company who wanted to introduce some new products to help with educating the public.  They also provided lunch which was delicious.  But I forgot my camera!!!  I was so unprepared.  But it was absolutely delicious…a nice big salad for everyone, made up of big blocks of feta cheese, kalamata olives, and banana peppers on top of a bed of lettuce with red onions.  There was also rice on the side as well as some chicken tenders.  For dessert we had a blackberry flavored frozen yogurt with chunks of white and milk chocolate squares.  Yum…totally enjoyed the food and listening in on the discussions.

     The RD was giving a conference for people who had experienced a stroke.  She talked about eating high fiber foods to help lower cholesterol, fitting in exercise, portion control, etc.  It was a very laid back conference, and she opened the floor for questions.  There was lots of laughing, questions, and good conversations.  I had a blast and learned so much…can’t wait to go back next week! 😀

I was pretty hungry by this point, because despite how tasty lunch was, there wasn’t a lot of holding power to it.  I could have used a toast with pb or something else to hold me over…maybe a latte? haha…so I ended up grabbing those apple slices from my lunch to snack on while driving to the grocery store.

It finally caught up with me that I was hungry.  I pulled out the wheat bunnies from lunch and ate them on my way home after loading up the car with the groceries.  Thankfully I wasn’t in a ravenous state yet, and this tiny little snack was just enough to hold me over.  Usually I won’t eat carbs all by themselves, but I knew I’d be eating dinner soon anyways.  All I needed was something to ease that rumbly stomach for an hour or so. 😀

     When I pulled in my driveway, I was feeling tired and burnt out!!!  And then I got my energy back immediatley because I spotted a box sitting in my driveway.  What could it be?


Ahhh…look at all those yogurts!!  The people over at Chobani were kind enough to send me some samples to try out and review, and I’m super excited.  I love yogurt, especially greek, so these will be a real treat. 😀

Finally!  I could sit down and relax.  I had to mentally tell myself to breath…slowly.  I was still on rush mode because that’s how my entire day had felt.  But I didn’t want to rush through supper.  I sat down, and enjoyed the salad from lunch that never was eaten.  This turkey meatloaf is especially tasty cold for the next day and made for a very tasty salad. 😀  I drizzled it all with red wine vinegar and enjoyed my nice slow dinner. 😀


It was pouring cats and dogs outside, but rain doesn’t stop my mom and I! 😀  We both were out a bit later then normal today, and both of us were feeling tired out.  Which is why a 3-mile walk was so necessary.  I’ve realized that when I feel tired, usually even a short little workout is enough to pep up my energy…even when sitting down is really what I feel like doing. 😉

I had to try a blueberry chobani for my night snack. 😀  It was sooo creamy and delicious…perfect for a sweet little after-dinner snack!  I topped it with a handful of fresh blueberries and a small handful of barbaras shredded oats.  Yummay!


I’m officialy zonking out. haha…It’s an early morning tomorrow, as I’m off to work with the food service manager in the kitchen.  I’m not sure what we’ll be working on, but I should probably review some paperwork before going to bed.  Whew…at least its Friday tomorrow!! 😀

Exercise: “rest” day which included a 3-mile walk in the rain.  I felt like a kid, sloshing through puddles.  Once my jeans and sneaks were soaked through, I had fun with it and took advantage of the lake sized puddles. 😀  Rainy days can be so enjoyable sometimes. 😉

Happy Friday in advance!!! 😀

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About One Beautiful Life

Hi and Welcome!!! I'm a 30 something year old who loves Jesus, nutrition, green tea, my family and my tuxedo cat named Humphrey. I enjoy photography, cooking and working at the local hospital as a Registered Dietitian. Thanks for stopping by!

10 thoughts on ““Rest” day???

  1. LOVED the play-by-play! It gives me a notion of what to expect when I shadow tomorrow! We should compare notes at some point;)

  2. i always go for walks, even if its pouring rain too 🙂

    wow sounds like a really fun, busy day you had! so interesting too! glad you enjoyed it 🙂

  3. Wow–your rest day sure doesn’t sound restful. haha! But it does sound like you had an awesome day. That is going to be such an awesome experience for you. I am excited to keep up with you and this!

    I know you commented on my latest volunteering with Operation Frontline. Well, I just updated my blog with more info. So, check it out please!

  4. I can’t wait until the day that I hopefully am shadowing a RD!! totally jealous 🙂 that sounds like so much fun!!

    love the chobani and cereal mix 🙂

  5. The Chocolate Amazing Meal smoothie sounds like a nice break from fruit. The chocolate flavor is about the only one I still have to try, I just haven’t figured out what to do with it. The banana and milk sounds good, maybe I’ll use vanilla almond milk.

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