Sweet Potato Challenge

I can’t get over how creative you all are.  From sweet potato hot cakes to breakfast pies to smoothies.  You went all out and I’m so excited to try each and every one of these awesome recipes in the coming weeks! 😀

Without further ado…the ultimate Sweet Potato Challenge “Hall of Fame” post! :mrgreen:

Can I just say how absolutely excited I am about trying this whipped sweet potato recipe from Katie at Yes I Want Cake???  Katie whipped the potatoes with a wonderful mix of ingredients, which included peanut butter, almond milk, cinnamon, agave and more.  “Then top with walnuts and savor each and every sweet, creamy bite.”

The ultimate creamy bowl of sweetness. 😀

Justine at Learning to Eat Properly made one of my all-time favorite foods: sweet potato hot cakes/crepes!!

I love that she created this particular recipe with whole wheat flour and added a healthy dose of cinnamon to the mix.  Justine stated that “they are naturally sweet and moist and not too dense. Just wonderful!” 

Who doesn’t love sweet potato pancakes?  Yum! 😀

Evan at Food Makes Fun Fuel made this one-pot-wonder by first cooking a 4-oz grass-fed burger, then added in the pre-baked sweet potato cubes to the same pan.  Talk about an easy-peazy, super suh-weet meal! 😀 Yum!


Coffee Run got creative with this awesome veggie side-dish: Coconut-Chili Sweet Potatoes, Plantains and Kale!  Danielle stated “This was so good! I loved how there were so many contrasting components: Sweet, spicy, soft and crispy.”

As an aside, that’s one of my favorite things about the sweet potato.  It goes so well with the sweet things of life as well as the spicy.  And I love, love, love the idea of adding plantains.  Yum! 😀

Over at the American Gourmande, this vegan sweet potato breakfast pie was created.  So states the master chef: “It felt like a decadent breakfast that was balanced and healthy (tofu=protein+calcium, nuts=healthy fat, banana=fruit, sweet potato=vitamin packed veggie).” 

Maybe this is the new breakfast of champions? 😀

Sweet potato and hummus were meant to be.  There’s something about the sweet and savory combo that just makes it so right. :mrgreen:

Elise at Hungry, Hungry Hippie gives the how-to: “I steamed it in the micro, cut it into 3rds, halved each portion, and smeared hummus onto the open faced parts.  Deee-lightful!” 

I especially love her choice of hummus toppers: roasted red pepper and spinach artichoke.  Yum!

Susan at Tangerine Trees and Marmalade went all out with five days worth of sweet potato happiness.  This colorful sweet potato pizza is chock full of veggies and flavor in the form of artichokes, red peppers, sweet potatoes!, broccoli and more.

One word: “epic.” 😀

Totally trying this soon!

Nicole at Simple Moments–Living Life to the Fullest created a frothy, creamy sweet potato smoothie, which might give the Green Monster a run for its money. 😉  I can not wait to try this out!

Nicole states: “I was impressed with how smooth and creamy the drink became, and it was a great energy booster.” 

I think it would make the perfect breakfast-to-go!

Yesterday I made a sweet potato hash as my contribution to the challenge, and I loved how fun and easy it was to whip together.  It pairs great with a protein on the side, such as sauteed tempeh in soy sauce.  So fun and tasty! 😀

Thanks so much to everyone for contributing with your awesome ideas and recipes!  I had so much fun taking a peak at your tasty creativeness and can’t wait to put them to good use in the very near future. 😀

Hope you’re all enjoying your weekend!!

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About One Beautiful Life

Hi and Welcome!!! I'm a 30 something year old who loves Jesus, nutrition, green tea, my family and my tuxedo cat named Humphrey. I enjoy photography, cooking and working at the local hospital as a Registered Dietitian. Thanks for stopping by!

14 thoughts on “Sweet Potato Challenge

  1. wow. some of these look seriously drool-inducing. definitely need to make more SP dishes soon…great idea on the challenges. keep em coming!

  2. Everyones dishes look great 😀

    You’ve actually opened up a whole new world of sweet potato for me- in shakes, with hummus…it all sounds so good!

  3. Sarah, you absolute doll! Thank you for featuring my recipe and all of the other amazing looking recipes! I am off to the market- I hope they have plenty of sweet potatoes!

    (Regarding your previous post: I am so glad that you finally got some good news about your knee!)


  4. Pingback: A simple kind of life « Tangerine Trees and Marmalade Skies

  5. Ahhh I loved this post!!! If there was any extra time i totally would have sent my favorite ch-ch-cheetahs in 🙂 Had them alongside an eggy scramble and tons of ketchup for dinner tonight. It was glorious!

    I def need to try the sweet potato hash and your grated version!! I bet the cayenne makes it–i love cayenne 🙂

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