Crazy Confidence

I was full of adrenaline this morning.  My presentation on coconut oils was scheduled for today, after being cancelled last week from the snowstorm.  Worried?  Not really.  Anxious?  A little.  Excited?  Totally. :mrgreen: 

My plan was to shave off some of the extra energy/adrenaline with a morning workout.  I was up and eating my breakfast cookie by 5:30.

  • 1/2 c. oatmeal
  • 1 smashed banana (saving 1/4 for the top)
  • 1 T. peanut butter
  • splash of milk (+ a cup on the side)
  • cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves

So yummy! 😀

Last night, I also packed all my gym stuff and pre-filled my water bottle so I could grab and go without any manic run-arounds.  It took me 15 minutes flat to eat breakfast and get out the door.

+ my morning cup of coffee to-go.

I had originally planned for today to be my strength-training day at the gym, but I was feeling “cardio” vibes when I arrived. 😉  I decided to save the strength training for Friday and spent my morning with this sweaty, heart-pumping workout:

  • Elliptical: 1.5 miles
  • Treadmill: 2.0 miles, 4.5 mph, 4.5% incline
  • Elliptical: 1.5 miles
  • Stairmaster: 10 minutes, level 7…level 9 for the final minute

 I finished my workout with icing and stretching for my knee and foot, plus a glass of milk and a juicy orange. 

Then I was off to give my coconut presentaion! 😀

Surprisingly, the presentation went really, really well.  I’m saying it was surprising, because I’ve never claimed to be a public all…period.  It’s always been a major challenge of mine, in trying to relay the message without putting anyone to sleep. 😉  I received some useful feedback on it for the next time I give such a presentaion, but I’m feeling really good about it.  It’s amazing how much confidence a person can get from facing their fears.  Even if the result isn’t perfect, just knowing that you gave it your all and putting yourself out there can give such a rush of confidence over the whole ordeal.  Once it’s done anyways. 😉 

After the presentation, I pulled out a salad that I had packed for lunch.

  • mesculin greens
  • carrot
  • cucumber
  • 1/2 c. garbanzo beans
  • splash of balsamic vinegar and orange juice

+ a KIND Cranberry & Almond bar with some kashis too.  I loved this KIND flavor!  It was full of lightly crunchy macadamia nuts and chewy, tart cranberries.  Yum! 

This afternoon I stayed later with a group from my Nutrition Problems in the US class.  We’re putting on a presentation on Vitamin E and Cancer sometime in April, so it’s time to get things organized! 😀

While discussing vitamins and antioxidants, I snacked on an apple and some almonds.

Leftovers for dinner!

This made things simple and quick to put together tonight, which was nice since I didn’t get home until late.  There was leftover meatloaf, carrots, turnips, brown rice & peas.  On the side, I roasted some broccoli with a bit of olive oil, salt, pepper and garlic powder.  It tasted a lot like kale in a yummy sort of way. 😀

+ a night snack of Kashi Heart to Heart Blueberry Cluster cereal.

With a splash of milk.

Off to catch the last of American Idol and then it’s time for bed for me…I have an early morning planned for tomorrow! 😀

Question: Has there ever been a time when you faced your fears?  What happened as a result?  Public speaking used to be a major fear of mine, simply because I just never did it.  Forcing myself to just do it brought with it a new level of confidence.  That doesn’t mean I don’t still get overexcited/anxious about presenting though. 😉

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About One Beautiful Life

Hi and Welcome!!! I'm a 30 something year old who loves Jesus, nutrition, green tea, my family and my tuxedo cat named Humphrey. I enjoy photography, cooking and working at the local hospital as a Registered Dietitian. Thanks for stopping by!

16 thoughts on “Crazy Confidence

  1. Good for you for facing your fear!! Sometimes all it takes is just doing it. I can’t really say this is a “fear” – but something that I’m really uncomfortable with (and causes a lot of anxiety) is playing games. I know that sounds silly…but card games send me into a tail spin. I just have to buck up and do it with family sometimes. 🙂

  2. My first year of teaching was facing my fears and going back to grad school…..all well worth all of the anxiety because of where I am today!

  3. Yay! Congrats on the successful presentation. Out of curiousity… how many hours of sleep do you get a night — since you wake up so early ? :p

    • When I get up at 5:30/6, I usually get about 7 hrs. of sleep. But normally I like to shoot for 8. That’s where I feel more rested and alert. 😉

  4. I’m afraid of visits to the dentist. Ha, ha. Seriously. I dread them as much as when I was a kid… some things, you just never grow out of.

  5. I bet your presentation went so well because the topic is something you are genuinely interested in and enthused about!

    For some reason, I dread running meetings, but I get over my fear and they go okay. It’s something I could work on improving though!

  6. I’ve always wondered this – are breakfast cookies soft?

    Also, congrats on your presentation! It’s a scary but rewarding thing to speak in public, but I agree with kilax – it’s helpful to love your topic. ^_^

  7. Pingback: Retailers report gains for February | Paperless Media

  8. Congratulations on a successful presentation! That must feel so so good!
    I’ve faced my fears a few times with new jobs that I’ve taken. And I’ve learned that there is really nothing to be too scared of! Good thing.
    Love your breakfast cookies- they look so filling on your blog, but not on others…hmmm. I don’t know why, you just make them look like a hearty breakfast!
    Have a great Thursday!

  9. I wrote a problem on the board in math class a couple of weeks ago? Does that count haha? I’m pretty sure my face was the color of an heirloom tomato.

  10. I’m the same way with public speaking! I used to be a hot mess standing in the front of the room but now I have some more confidence and it’s so much easier. Congrats on the presentation 😀

    I’m always getting cardio vibes instead of strength-training vibes 😉

  11. YAY FOR YOUR PRESENTATION! that must feel so good to have gotten in done AND rocked it out! facing your fears is so hard but definitely one of the best things we can do.

    love, love, love the looks of that KIND bar. the walnut date one is my fave, but this one definitely looks like it could give it a run for its money 🙂

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