Jam Filled Muffins


I am constantly searching for healthy breakfasts-to-go options.  Options that will carry me through those insanely busy mornings.  You know.  Those barely have time to shower, I think I’m still sleeping, my brain isn’t really functioning, kind of mornings.

Hey.  Life happens.



And so—more times than not—you’ll find me driving along in my car at 6:30am, eating an almond butter and banana sandwich (maybe toasted, maybe not) and sipping on a hot cup of green tea.  In fact, you could almost bet on it.

But then, once in a great while, I’ll find myself home alone during a lazy Sunday afternoon.  That’s when I break out the whisk and spend some quality time in my kitchen, preparing breakfasts for the week to come.



Everyone has a favorite muffin.  A favorite recipe.  (Mine happens to be the whole wheat pumpkin muffins on my recipe page, but please don’t tell all of the other muffins!)



However, jam filled muffins are a delightfully close contender.  With their sweet personality and rustic good looks, they really are impossible not to love.  I almost always have a couple sitting in my freezer, just in case.

Because you never know when those crazy mornings might come along.  I like to think that I’m completely prepared.



It should be mentioned, however, that jam filled muffins are only ever as good as the jam that fills them.

You could technically use any old jam and probably still enjoy each and every delicious bite.  However, I’ve found the best results with either (a) homemade jams and jellies, (b) Trader Joe’s raspberry jam, or (c) some other “gourmet” jam/jelly.  You want these to taste fresh.  Homemade.  Rustic and pleasant.  This is one of the few times that I become totally stuck up, refusing to buy any store-brand products. 😉



~17 minutes in the oven~



Crazy busy mornings.

A healthy breakfast to go.

And let the day begin.



Jam Filled Muffins—recipe adapted from the Eating Well Magazine

These muffins are absolutely heavenly when served warm, straight from the oven.  To reheat the next morning, simply pop them in the microwave for a good 15-20 seconds.  Any extras can be frozen for the upcoming week.

Serve with a glass of milk and a fruit for a complete, healthy breakfast-t0-go.  Enjoy! 😀

  • 2-1/4 cups whole wheat flour
  • 1 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1/4 cup packed light brown sugar
  • 1 cup buttermilk (or 1 cup milk + 1 Tbsp. lemon juice)
  • 1/4 cup orange juice
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/3 cup blackberry, blueberry, raspberry or cherry jam (highly recommend Trader Joe’s raspberry!)
  • walnuts
  1. Preheat oven to 400 F.  Coat 12 muffin cups with cooking spray.
  2. Whisk flour, baking powder, and baking soda in a large bowl.
  3. Whisk eggs and brown sugar in a medium bowl until smooth.  Add buttermilk, orange juice, oil and vanilla; whisk to blend.  Add to the dry ingredients and mix with a rubber spatula just until moistened.
  4. Scoop half the batter into the prepared pan.  Drop a generous teaspoonful of jam into the center of each muffin.  Spoon on the remaining batter, filling each muffin cup completely.  Sprinkle with walnuts.
  5. Bake the muffins until the tops are golden brown and spring back when touched lightly, 15-20 minutes.  Loosen edges and turn muffins out onto a wire rack to cool slightly before serving.  ENJOY! 😀


Question: Do you ever eat breakfast on the go?  What are some of your favorites?

17 thoughts on “Jam Filled Muffins

  1. Yummy! Those muffins look amazing.
    I hate to eat toast or sandwiches or anything like that for breakfast on the go because for whatever reason there is always a piece that lodges in my throat and I spend forever coughing and spluttering to make it go away.
    Instead I have a cereal freeze eze pack that I can use to bring cereal, seeds, berries and yogurt to class in. Otherwise a Choco nakd bar of im feeling really rushed for time. If I’m in a super rush I grab some fruit, and them go to the restaurant on campus where all the teachers hang out and get an amazing muesli parfait! I try to limit that to emergencies because campus eating can really add up cost-wise and I’d prefer to keep my money for more exciting things 😀

  2. PB and Banana Sandwhiches are my go-to breakfast. Sometimes I’ll make oatmeal and eat it out of a cup (not so safe option). However, I recently made a HUGE batch of oatmeal pumpkin pancakes. Then, I froze the leftovers. Pop a couple in the microwave for a 15 seconds, slap some pb between like a sandwhich, and I’m in heaven. Delicious. 🙂

  3. I used to make overnight oats in an old jar and eat them at work. It was a nice way to enjoy my beloved breakfast while still getting to work at a good time!

  4. Lately I’ve been eating my breakfasts at home, but love the idea of a muffin crumbled into a bowl of yogurt for breakfast, maybe with a sprinkling of walnuts. These look great.

  5. How about any easy method of an itty-bitty condensed printing of the recipe instead of pages and pages and pages?

  6. Pingback: Weekend Baking and Recipe Tracking « Freshly Forward

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