Green Eggs Minus the Ham…;)

I can push through tough hills on a hot summer day.  I can spend hours on a homework assignment without getting sidetracked.  I enjoy running in the rain.  Cold weather doesn’t bother me.

But give me a sore throat and some sinus issues, and I quickly become a wimp.

Seriously, it’s not even funny.  All day I was resisting taking medicine because I figured I would just start feeling better and wouldn’t need any of it.  Then around 2 o’clock, I stomped to the bathroom cabinet, grabbed some sudafed 24 hr. relief, and drank a ton of water.  It was either that or find someone who would willingly knock me out of my misery.  I figured the first option might be a little more reasonable. 😉

Thankfully the sudafed kicked in, and the sinus pressures cleared up.  And thankfully tomorrow I have no plans at all (super YAY!!) which I much need.  It will be nice to stay in my pj’s and focus on recovering so I can finally stop complaining and start feeling better. 😀

I was up and out of bed by 6 today, scrambling around to get ready for my last day of working at the hospital.  I can’t believe how fast it actually went by.  I learned so much there, and everyone was super great to work with.  Of course, part of me is excited about it being complete too, because it means I’m one step closer to finishing my summer class, which means I’m one step closer to the fall semester!!  Very exciting… 😀


This made me very happy today. 😀  The temperature has been rising dramatically the last few days, which calls for overnight oats of course!  I made these using vanilla flavored oikis yogurt, which I loved in there!!  Usually I’m not a huge fan of vanilla flavored yogurts, but this one was fabulous mixed in with the sweet banana and oats.  Loved it!  And it didn’t seem as thick as vanilla chobani, which may or may not be a good thing depending on how you look at it. 😀

  • 3/4 c. oats
  • 1 banana
  • 1/2 c. milk
  • cinnamon and nutmeg
  • topped with 2 T. walnuts and 1 container of vanilla oikis the next morning

…plus my regular morn’ cup of coffee.  Mmm…everything hit the spot. 😀


When I came back from the hospital, I wasn’t feeling hungry but knew I had better eat something to keep my energy up and going.  This cold “red” grapefruit was perfect…I thought it was going to be sour because it wasn’t as red as some of them tend to be, but it was actually really sweet. 



Green eggs minus the ham anyone? 😉


Yes, green eggs… 😀

…I’ve had them once before on vacation when there was no mayo around, and kind of grew attached to the mix. 😀 

  • 1 whole egg + 1 extra egg white…boiled
  • 1/4 avocado
  • salt and pepper

Mash, mash, mash…the creamier–or more ripe–your avocado is, the better this is.

Oh, and I also had a glass of milk on the side after snapping the picture. 😀


This afternoon I wasn’t really feeling hungry at all—that’s how I know I’m not feeling well! 😉  However, 3 hrs. after lunch, I felt my energy start to flag a little, so I poured myself a bowl of TJ’s raisin bran with a bit of milk for a snack.  This kept me going before dinner was served, and kept me nice and focused for homework related stuff.  I got a ton of work done, and will hopefully be finishing up on the menu project tomorrow! 


Look at this cute little guy I found in the garden… 😀  I could have waited and let it grow, but I just love how they taste when they’re this tiny.  The first thing my mom said after trying a slice was, “Wow…that’s what a cucumber tastes like?”  Yep…the winter, grocery store versions just can’t compete. 


The green beauty found its way into my pre-dinner salad, and I drizzled it all with balsamic vinegar.  There’s something about fresh produce topped with balsamic in the summer. Mmm…


Despite it being super warm outside today, we all agreed that homemade pizza sounded amazing for dinner. 😀

This came together in a flash!  There were plenty of good veggies to top it with too…

  • baby portobello mushrooms
  • green pepper slices
  • sweet onion
  • 2% mozzarella cheese
  • veggie burger

The veggie burger was a random addition at the last minute.  We had cooked an extra one a couple days back that went uneaten, so I decided to throw it on the pizza.  It was actually really good!!  Sort of like sausage, but less greasy and more chewy.  I think a spicy veggie patty would have been great. 😀

This x 2…


Dessert was delicious…you can’t go wrong with dark chocolate and almond butter. 😀


Then mom and I headed out for a walk in the beautiful sun…but after just a mile in, out of nowhere, a thunderstorm rolled in and it started raining cats and dogs.  Seriously, it was insane.  At the first crack of thunder, we immediately spun around and headed back home to complete a 2-mile walk.  It was fun though, and the rain actually felt wonderfully refreshing after such a hot day! 😀

When I came home, I blended together my favorite smoothie combo!

  • 4 ice cubes
  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1 c. milk
  • 1 T. peanut butter
  • splash of vanilla extract

…so thick and frothy.  Love it! 😀 


I don’t think I’ve ever been so excited to not have to go anywhere tomorrow…ha!  I love being out and about and busy, but I could definitely use a day of rest!!  Plus a 4-miler as long as I’m feeling up to it.  If my sinuses are congested, I’ll stick to a shorter run, and treat this as a low mileage week.  No biggie, either way…but I’d really love to run, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed for tomorrow morning! 😀

Where did the week go, by the way?  Is tomorrow really hump day already?  Crazy!

Exercise: 2-mile walk

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About One Beautiful Life

Hi and Welcome!!! I'm a 30 something year old who loves Jesus, nutrition, green tea, my family and my tuxedo cat named Humphrey. I enjoy photography, cooking and working at the local hospital as a Registered Dietitian. Thanks for stopping by!

12 thoughts on “Green Eggs Minus the Ham…;)

  1. The pizza looks amazing! And, love the chocolate + almond butter!

    Hope you’re feeling better- enjoy your free day!

  2. i hope you feel better soon! i actually never had “Green eggs” before- looks interesting! oh and guess what i am trying for breakfast tomorrow morning- your oat cakes!! i am using raisins instead of sweet potato. how long do you “Fry” them for???

  3. Ahh that is so weird we had almost an identical day with the feeling icky and no appetite! It stinks because I love to eat! haha.

    Your eats today do look very yummy though! Especially those oats! I need to try them with the 3/4 cup portion- maybe they’d hold me over longer.

    Hope your feeling better tomorrow! Sending you good vibes through the computer! 😀

    • Uggh…so sorry you’re not feeling well either. The good news is that I think the computer good vibes worked because I’m feeling on the upswing today…hehe. 😀

      Hope you’re feeling better!!

  4. Again, rest well and hope you get back to feeling normal tomorrow! 😀 Cukes are the best way to keep cool. I just chewed on one upon waking up – I was hungry and hot! 😀
    I was always hesistant to mix eggs and avocadoes but hey they’re healhy fats so I should try those soon.

    • They’re completely raw, but the overnight soak is what makes them nice and plump and soft. 😀

      For a 3/4 c. portion of oats like my breakfast, I combine 3/4 c. raw old fashioned oats, 1 sliced banana, cinnamon and nutmeg to taste, 1/2 c. milk, and any other ingredients you might want in there (like raisins, flax seed, etc.)

      Then I stir it all up, pat it down so that as many oats as possible are in contact with the liquid, and cover it with saran wrap. The next morning, add your yogurt of choice, stir it up and top with whatever you like.

      Its super simple, and once you figure out exactly what ingredients you love in there, you’ll be addicted. 😀

      Hope this helped, and hope you enjoy them if you decide to try it out! 😀

  5. Your overnight oats look amazing! Walnuts give everything a good kick.
    I’ve never had green eggs..I’m intrigued!

    Sorry you’re feeling unwell – that sucks, especially in the summer when you don’t expect it, right?

    The homemade pizza looks incredible too! Yum foods!

    Congrats on finishing your summer class!!

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