Temp[eh] Tantrum

So blue for blueberries!  Aside from being packed with antioxidants, a cup of raw, frozen blueberries has just 80 calories, 4 g. fiber and is a great source of vitamin K (32%—vitamin K is responsible for normal blood clotting.)

There were no more fresh bananas this morning, so this morning I packed my oats full of blueberries. 😀

  • 1/4 c. each oatmeal and oatbran
  • 1/4 c. wheat bran (stirred in at end)
  • 1 c. milk + 3/4 c. water
  • 1 c. frozen blueberries, thawed before adding
  • toppings: 2 T. each walnuts and Galaxy Granola

Yum-may! :mrgreen:

My morning gym workout was equally as yummy.

Elliptical: 1.5 miles

Treadmill: 1.5 miles, 4.5% incline

Elliptical: 1.5 miles

Stairmaster: 10 minutes, resistance 8

It felt really good to sweat, while starting my morning on the right foot! 😀

When I came home, I whipped together a frothy green monster (1/2 frozen banana, large handful of spinach, 1 c. milk, topped with 1 T. Galaxy Granola.)  Soooo frothy!! :mrgreen:

Last night I put my lunch together and had originally started with a simple side salad, but decided that I wanted to keep it simple (i.e., no beans or other toppings.)

Along with my salad, I also packed lunch part #2, using something I haven’t eaten in ages: tempeh!

If you’re looking for a protein packed, vegetarian sandwich filler option, check out tempeh!  It has a meaty texture (unlike tofu) and absorbs the flavor of whatever you add to it.  I particularly enjoy eating it in stir-fries with a bit of olive oil, soysauce and pineapple.  Yum!

Today, however, I went with something I’ve seen a few times on KERF.  1/4 a package of tempeh with Pb & jelly (or pumpkin butter in this case!)   Between two slices of Trader Joe’s whole wheat sourdough bread. 

With some veggie sticks for crunching on the side.  Fun lunch! 😀

+ a pear, an apple and a handful of almonds for afternoon snacks. 

On the plate tonight were roasted brussells sprouts, steamed carrots, brown rice (cooked in veggie broth with frozen peas) and a slice of roasted chicken. 

The best part was the dollop of homemade chunky cranberry sauce on the side. :mrgreen: 

Watching Biggest Loser, eating a snack and studying for a quiz on Thursday.  Two more days to go before Spring Vacation officially begins! 😀

Question: Are you a creature of habit when it comes to food choices or do you crave variety?  While I love trying new foods, sometimes I have to remind myself to switch things up with my day to day diet in order to take advantage of all kinds of different nutrients.

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About One Beautiful Life

Hi and Welcome!!! I'm a 30 something year old who loves Jesus, nutrition, green tea, my family and my tuxedo cat named Humphrey. I enjoy photography, cooking and working at the local hospital as a Registered Dietitian. Thanks for stopping by!

18 thoughts on “Temp[eh] Tantrum

  1. I have such habits. I could count the variety of meals I know on my hand. But I love them! And I do not understand the combination of tempeh, PB, and J. Perhaps it’s just because I am so not a plain tempeh fan

  2. I’ve never tried tempeh…looks interesting, though.

    I need variety in my diet. If I eat the same foods day in and day out, my body doesn’t feel as good as when I keep switching it up. Even with oatmeal, if I eat it literally every morning, by the end of the week, it can give me a stomach ache! But, I do love my oatmeal breakfasts.

  3. i really wana try that sandwich!!! i bet the tempeh and jam is great together! I LOVE TEMPEH!! hmm-i usually crave the same things! BUT i do love a variety!

  4. I also love tempeh! I’ve never had it plain jane right out of the package- perhaps I should try??

    I crave variety for sure 😀

  5. I go in phases with no particular rhyme or reason. Right now I’m on a cottage cheese and tomatoes on whole wheat English muffin phase. It fits for any meal or snack and it’s quick. Love tempeh! My favorite tempeh recipe is called Soilant Green from a restaurant here called Laughing Planet:

    cubed, seasoned and cooked tempeh
    steamed broccoli
    chopped, steamed chard
    over your favorite grain (pearl barley rocks it)
    with cilantro pesto

    It’s the best bowl of stuff after a marathon for sure. Super hardy.

  6. I think that Nate wouldn’t let me come in the front door with tempeh. Ha, ha! I’d need to sneak it into some food and hope he didn’t know what he was eating. 😉

  7. I used to eat the same foods all the time but since I’ve been blogging I’ve tried so many more foods its great I love the inspiration I have had from so many wonderful people x x

  8. I’m definitely a creature of habit. I eat pretty much the same thing every day with slight variations, probably not the healthiest thing in the world.. but I’m pretty picky. In other parts of my life I’m a creature of habit/routine too.

  9. I try to switch things up but find I go in phases…such as a pb phase where I’ll have it almost every day for a week. Then it’s a yogurt phase. Chocolate phases are particularly wonderful. 🙂

  10. Gah! I’ve been dying to try Kath’s tempeh/pb/jelly combo for agesss. Maybe i’ll get around to it while i’m home this week 🙂

    I’m partially a creature of habit but I also love variety. I know what I like…. and if I like it I want it all the time–HOWEVER, since I eat very similar eats on a day to day basis at school….i always try and spice it up with new recipes and products whenever i get the chance to at home!

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