The Return of the Banana

Did you know that a tsp of baking powder gives you about 1/4 of your daily sodium intake for the day???

I was slightly disturbed by that fact this morning.  I don’t eat much processed food, so my sodium intake is generally pretty low—or so I thought.  But little things add up throughout the day.  But certain foods do need salt, in my opinion…my chunky teddy peanut butter for example.  Love it way more then the unsalted versions!  But I decided this morning that adding so much salt to my breakfast in the form of baking powder was kind of crazy…

‘Course, instead of cutting back a little bit on the amount I was using, I got rid of the baking powder completely…ha.  This resulted in a flatter, more dense oat cake that lacked some flavor I thought.  Next time I’m going to try just 1/2 a tsp of baking powder and see how that goes.  If it tastes similair to the original, I’ll just tweak the original recipe too. 😀

On the side of my cinnamon raisin oat cakes I had some soft, cinnamon apples for topping.  I simply chopped up an apple, threw in a ton of cinnamon, and microwaved until it was no longer hard (but not too soft.)  YUM!

As an aside…this is the last day I have to go without bananas before being restocked…phew! 😉


I moved on to the den, after finishing up with breakfast, to do a little gentle yoga and stretching.  I can tell my upper body is growing stronger, which I’m really happy about.  I’ve never had much upper body strength, so the thought of someday being able to do full push-ups and maybe even pull-ups, makes me excited and motivated. 😉 

Afterwards, I went grocery shopping to get some much needed food for the house.  It was especially nice to have the entire morning free because it can be so enjoyable to have spare time to shop and look around rather then randomly throwing items in the cart. 😀

Lunch came a bit later today, since I had a late (late=8 o’clock for me) breakfast this mornin’.  Breakfast kept me full until about 1’ish, which is when I munched on this salad which is as simple as it looks: lettuce, tomatoes, broccoli, black beans, balsamic vinegar. 😀


Plus 2 slices of leftover pizza from yesterday.  I love leftovers. 😀


This afternoon I drove to pick up Matthew from the train station, and later headed off to barnes and noble to pick up My Sister’s Keeper.  I’m hoping to finish the book before I actually see the movie.  Has anyone seen (or read?) it yet??

Once I arrived home, I grabbed a couple of tangy-sweet clementines and headed out for a 4-mile walk with mom in the drizzling rain.  I know a lot of people are dealing with consistent rain where they live too, so just a shout out to hang in there!!!  Summer is bound to roll around sooner or later.  And maybe try some clementines and a quick walk outside as a “pick-me-up” too.  It may just be me, but these drops of sunshine seemed to brighten my afternoon. 😀


Dinner was quick ‘n’ easy…1 whole egg + 1 egg white, a mini whole wheat bagel with 1/4 a smooshed avocado, and a green monster (3 c. spinach, 1 c. soymilk, 1 c. ice, 1 banana…YAY!!)  With the return of the bananas, I’m again a very happy girl. 😉  I’m glad to hear I wasn’t alone in my need for a daily one. haha…they’re just so versatile and fit into all my favorite breakfast meals. 😀


I really need to buckle down and get some homework in.  I have fun plans to go out tomorrow night and all day on Saturday, so I need to focus now, while I still have the spare time. 😀

Get ready for FRIDAY everyone!  Woohoo!!

(p.s. Bet you can guess what I’m about to say…yep…a bowl of cereal will definitely be consumed later on.  😉  Have a great night, all!! )

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About One Beautiful Life

Hi and Welcome!!! I'm a 30 something year old who loves Jesus, nutrition, green tea, my family and my tuxedo cat named Humphrey. I enjoy photography, cooking and working at the local hospital as a Registered Dietitian. Thanks for stopping by!

12 thoughts on “The Return of the Banana

  1. I can’t live a day without bananas either! (Well technically i can, but you know!)

    Your dinner looks awesome! What kind of bagels are those?

    • These are the mini Thomas’ whole wheat bagels. They’re really the perfect little size for a snack too… 😀

  2. Crikey! I had no idea about baking powder. That makes me look at my homemade pancakes in a different way…

  3. the pancakes still look good, despite the baking powder issue 🙂

    i love walks in the drizzling rain…refreshing no?

    hope you got all that work done so you can enjoy friday and satnight 🙂

  4. I read My Sister’s Keeper when I was traveling in South America a few years ago (it got passed on to me at a hostel 🙂 ) and I loved it! It was such an engrossing read. It’s not my usual type of choice of book but Jodi Picoult certainly knows how to write a good story! I believe everyone in our group who read it loved and cried reading it!!

    I’m not sure if I want to see the movie – I’m always worried it won’t live up to the book – but I bet it’s good.

    Oh, and yay for bananas!!

    • That’s what I’m afraid of too! It seems that every time I read a really great book, and go to see the movie, I’m disappointed.

      I’m 100 pgs. in to the book, and loving it. Jodi Picoult knows how to pull at the emotions, that’s for sure!

    • Sodium is one of those things that you do need in your diet…the more active you are, the more you need it to replace the sodium lost through sweat, etc.

      I try to avoid adding excess sodium in certain areas where I don’t feel I need it, mostly due to high blood pressure running in my family.

      ‘Course, if I found out that even 1/2 a tsp of baking powder doesn’t improve my favorite oat cakes, I’d just go back to using the full tsp, and not have it every single morning, or be sure to watch the salt intake in other meals. 😀

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