The girl with the insatiable appetite…

“Find something you’re passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it.”
–Julia Child

What are some of the things that you are most passionate for? 😀

I’m very passionate about food (obviously! 😉 ), and healthy living.  I’m passionate about motivating people to see who they truly are and that their weight isn’t what defines them.  I’m passionate about the fact that beauty is more then what we see on the surface.  I’m also passionate about animals, service dogs, and have a special soft spot for black labs.  😀  I’d love to hear some of the things that you’re most passionate for too!  

When I woke up this morning, I knew it was going to be a scorcher  I rolled myself out of bed, and found my way to the kitchen.  I wasn’t sure what my workout was going to entail, and it all depended on whether mom was up for a morning walk.  Feeling pretty indecisive, I decided to break out the goods (aka, oats in a jar) and fuel up.  Heat doesn’t seem to effect my appetite at all. 😉

Speaking of breakfast, I’ve discovered that one of the many benefits of eating overnight oats in a jar is that it slows me down.  Under normal conditions, in a normal bowl, I tend to eat cold oats so fast!  But when I’m busy scraping down every last bit of peanut butter, I take a lot longer.  And who doesn’t love a slow, relaxing morning? 😀

  • 3/4 c. oats
  • 1/2 c. milk
  • 1 banana
  • cinnamon and nutmeg
  • handful of raisins
  • thrown into a pb jar and topped with unsweetened coconut! 😀


The walk never happened due to mom feeling quite sick today.  Blah…there’s definitely something going around, so I’m going to need to keep getting a good amount of sleep, exercising and eating right to avoid it as best as possible. 😀  At least its a short-lived bug, because she was already feeling better before going to work this afternoon.

This left me, however, in a bit of a conundrum.  It was really starting to get hot outside, and I could feel sweat pouring down my face already.

I decided to just suck it up and brave the heat.  At least my 3-mile running route would be shady, and I may as well get used to the heat in case the 10k that I’m not quite officially signed up for yet is a hot day too!  I laced up my sneaks and headed out with zero shin pain.  Phew…so thankful for that!  I definitely had to swallow some pride to keep my running (very) slow and steady rather then stretching out my strides, but it was well worth it.  I decided that I don’t care if I look like a granny as long as I’m having fun while doing it. 😉

When I came home, I iced my shins, had an iced coffee with 1/2 c. milk, and took an iced shower. 


and an apple was consumed while staying busy with the homework assignments that are due next week. 


I’m in a mish-mash mode lately for lunch.  Today was full of variety.

  • pretzels
  • cauliflower
  • hummus sandwich (ww english muffin, 1/4 c. red pepper hummus, red onions, tomato, basil)
  • 4-5 black olives
  • carrot sticks
  • cheese stick

Oh what fun! 😀


And be honest…am I the only one who plays with their food?  😉  I used to eat my pretzels and cheese sticks like this all the time as a kid. 😀


Despite lunch’s variety, I found myself starving by 2 in the afternoon.  I decided it was the perfect time to pull out the Banana Manna! 😀


This bar has 3 ingredients: Dates, banana, almonds.  Needless to say, I was pretty excited and had some high hopes for it!

Urm…I wish I could give it a more raving review, I really do.  The taste was all there, full of nuts and sweetness, and was similair to banana bread!  But the texture was just sort of strange.  It was a little too soft and sticky, where I personally prefer my bars to be a little more chewy or crunchy. 


Then 3 o’clock rolled around, and I was still hungry.  I told you the heat doesn’t bother my appetite. 😉  I chugged some water, and rolled with my insatiable appetite by having a bowl of natures path blueberry cinnamon cereal with a bit of milk.  I love how crunchy this stuff is!  And best of all, my stomach was finally content. 😀

Speaking of full and content stomachs, I wanted to take the time to point out that its okay to be more hungry and eat more on certain days. 😀  Sometimes its due to not eating enough the day before, sometimes its due to an increased energy expenditure today, etc.  But whatever the reason, it’s still important to listen to your body.  Learning how to stop eating when we’re full is a big part of intuitive eating.  But in order to fully respect our bodies, this also means eating when we’re hungry and not denying the fact that we are hungry. 


Dad had mentioned that he wanted to go running tonight, so I decided to hold off on making dinner and go for a walk while he ran instead.  An afternoon thunderstorm had brought the temperature down a good 10 degrees, which made a world of difference in my energy!  I wanted nothing more then to get up and move! 

While dad went for a 4 mile run, I enjoyed a 3-mile walk.  I absolutely love how fresh everything looks and smells after a heavy downpour. 😀

Once we arrived back home a little after 6, I started prepping dinner.  Tonight I kept things simple but tasty…

First off, I made us each a baked potato, topped with black beans, salsa, and a bit of cheese.  Easy peazy!

On the side I sauteed one whole zucchini and one whole summer squash that I had picked up at the local farmers market last week.  First off, I sauteed them in a pan with cooking spray and a tsp of olive oil.  Then I sprinkled on some basil and oregano, cooked until almost done, and finished with a splash of balsamic vinegar.  The special touch was the sprinklin’ of feta cheese sprinkled on top which melted right into the squash.  Feta is one of my favorite cheeses because it’s so strong that just a little goes a long way.  Kind of like parmesan…only better. 😀


Dessert was a glob of crunchy almond butter on a dark chocolate square. 😀


Tonight’s smoothie snack was one of the best yet, I have to say.  We’re all out of cocoa in the house, which made me go for a vanilla, banana, and pb chiller instead of the usual chocolate.  I made it my usual way: 4 ice cubes, 1 frozen banana, 1 c. milk, 1 T. pb.  But then I added in a splash of vanilla which seemed to just make the smoothie.  It came out thick and frothy…perfect for eating with a spoon. 😀


Tomorrow may be a shopping day.  I’m in desparate need of a fall/winter wardrobe and sometimes you can’t beat a day of retail therapy! 😉  Hopefully I can squeeze in some yoga in the morning too.  I found some great online classes via Youtube last week that left me sore for at least two days, but in a good way.  Love it! 😀

Happy Hump Day!  Now the weekend is right around the corner… 😀

Exercise: 3-mile run + 3-mile pre-dinner walk

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About One Beautiful Life

Hi and Welcome!!! I'm a 30 something year old who loves Jesus, nutrition, green tea, my family and my tuxedo cat named Humphrey. I enjoy photography, cooking and working at the local hospital as a Registered Dietitian. Thanks for stopping by!

18 thoughts on “The girl with the insatiable appetite…

  1. Awesome news on a shin-pain-free run! And your cheese sewn pretzel made me smile, I can say that’s something I’ve never done.

    I’ve seen those Dr. Weil bars but never read the ingredients. I’m not the least bit surprised the list of ingredients is so simple, I’m a huge fan of his books.

  2. oh that AB + dark chocolate looks AWESOMEEE! i know this is sorta weird but sometimes when im purposely running really really slow i think ppl are looking at me saying “wow look how slow that girl is going she look strange.” now why should i or would i care? im slwoly learning not to but i wont lie- sometimes it does pop into my mind ahha

    • Oh goodness…I do the very same thing!! I had to mentally force myself not to keep thinking that, because like you said, really, why should I care? I go running for *ME* and need to remind myself of that sometimes. 😀

  3. You really are an inspiration! I still have problems listening to my body and sometimes don’t know when I am hungry. I love reading your posts because it allows me to realize it is normal to be super hungry some days! So thank you! 🙂

  4. You arre too cute with your pretzels and cheese sticks combo! 😀 Adding basil to sammies makes a whole lotta difference, no? Your day is full of yummy eats once again.
    Reading how you ice your shins after every run reminded me not to be complacent about icing my knees. Must remember to do that to keep injuries at bay.

  5. thanks for the sweet comment on my last post hun 🙂

    all of your eats look so delicious! and now im really craving making some sort of iced coffee or some chocolate milk or something 🙂

    I feel really passionatly about recovery and health and when im fully recovered, i fully intend to help others recover too because living with an ed is hell and i want to save as many people from that as i can. Thats why i love movements like operation beautiful…its time we started remebering that we are all beautiful, regardless of weight and size..our uniqueness makes us all so intersting and beautiful on our own way!

    enjoy the rest of your night 🙂

    • I think you’ll be *great* at helping others!! 😀 You’re absolutely right, operation beautiful is literally a beautiful thing…love it!

  6. Thanks for the reminder that it’s ok to be hungrier and eat more on certain days! I seem to forget this sometimes and beat myself up for eating “too much.”

    That dark chocolate square covered in AB looks like heaven!!

    And I’m with you – the heat doesn’t seem to affect my appetite. Nor does it affect me enjoying a hot bowl of oats in the morning! 😀

  7. I think it’s so great that you exercise with your parents sometimes. I sure wish I could get mine to do some physical activity!

    Your squash dish looks wonderful, feta and squash are such a surprising good combination. And with the balsamic, yum!

    It’s hilarious that you eat breakfast out of a PB jar.

  8. your blog always makes me happy – your eats so good – i LOVE playing with my good. the string cheese + pretzel was AWESOME and made me laugh 🙂

    you know, i am still trying to find out what i am passionate about but the ones i know for sure: traveling, human rights, food, healthy living…

    happy day to you!

  9. I just started to read your blog last week, found it through the “Eat Like Me” blog and I just wanted to let you know that I love your blog so far……and have gotten some great ideas on new healthy very colorful and flavorful eating, thank you! Also, I wanted to comment on your HOT run today and say do not feel bad about running slower as I live in Florida and believe me I run very slowly in the summer as the heat and humidity just weigh down on you but it is very good to practice in and builds your endurance that I hope will help me do well in my own 10K this November. =)

    • Good luck on the 10k, and thanks for reminding me that its okay to run slower in the heat!!! 😀

      I feel like there are more and more people training for races, which is so inspiring. It motivated me to start training for one in September. Now all I have to do is sign up! 😀

  10. I love your posts girlie, I truly do. So good to remember that it’s ok to be extra hungers sometimes – other times we aren’t and we should listen to both!

    The AB and chocolate square looks amazingly tasty, and that shake/spooning joy looks so good – I am so jealous of your evening smoothies!

    Dinner looks ace as well – so nice that you get to cook for everyone!

  11. i know i already commented on this post but i just wanted to say how much i have grown to enjoy reading you blog- its so so great! also i decided to answer your question about what i am passionate for: I am passionate for cycling and running and yoga. I am passionate for good tasting, healthy food. I am passionate for my family. I am passionate for being kind to others and realizing the fact that everyone has their own “story” and that i should respect them for who they are becuase how do i know what kind of background they come from…why they are the way they are? I am passionate for the outdoors. i am passionate for dogs, monkeys, and manatees (yes, i said manatees hehe). I am passionate for tea! green and peppermint.

    • Thanks so much for sharing! I love hearing what others are so passionate for.

      And I have to say, peppermint tea is pretty much amazing. 😀

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