procastination–just say “no”

Hello, hello!

After breakfast was consumed this morning, I spent a good chunk of time looking over my Business Management notes for tomorrow’s exam.  Followed by a brisk morning walk to stretch the legs.  It was oh-so-lovely.  There were smells of pine trees mingled with freshly cut grass throughout the entire walk.  Moments like these remind me of why I love the country. 😀

Quick snack: yogurt, 1/2 banana, 1 T. Galaxy Granola…I’d like to say that I ate this snack in the great outdoors, but one sharp gusty wind sent me running indoors and out of the 40 degree temps. 😉

The rest of my morning went a little haywire.  I had every intention to study, study, study. What really happened, however, was that I came down with a serious case of “email syndrome.”  I get this when I’m in an especially procastinating kind of mood (usually during finals week.)  My email inbox must have been checked at least every 10 minutesI managed to put an end to this by giving myself a “time limit”.   

Sarah, finish homework by 2 o’clock—minus the procastinating—and you can go out for a bike ride. 

Sounds silly.  Silly worked.  I was focused and by 2 o’clock sharp, I was out the door into a chilly, invigorating afternoon 11-mile bike ride. 

Let’s talk lunch.  My salad started out simple enough…

  • greens
  • 1 carrot
  • leftover sauteed onions and mushrooms
  • 1/4 avocado, sliced

…but then I went and topped it with some leftover southwest quinoa bake.  It was [literally] over the top delicious. 😀

Post-meal sweetness.

Along with finishing off many leftovers in the form of a salad, I also finished off this box of Natures Path Mmmaple Pecan chewy granola bars.  This box was sent to me a while back, as a chance to review some of Nature’s Path newest granola bar flavors.  I’ve always been a huge fan of their products—at least the ones I’ve tried so far!  Aside from always being tasty, I can also read the ingredients.  This is how all foods should be. 😉

Sad to see this flavor gone from my pantry.  I’ll be restocking soon. :mrgreen:

After the bike ride, I sliced up a juicy orange and ate it out on the grass. 😀

Juicy orange + fragrant lilacs = tasty snack with a blissful atmosphere

For dinner, I heated up some whole wheat pasta and topped it with lots of steamed broccoli (red sauce and broccoli go perfectly together!)  I also cooked a veggie burger with a slice of melty provolone cheese for a faux chicken parmesan.  Twas delightful.  And exactly what I was in the mood for in that particular moment. 😀

Honestly I don’t know how much more studying I’ll be able to fit into my head today.  I may just plan an early morning tomorrow to review it once more before the exam.  I’m feeling decently confident about this exam.  And oh so ready to walk out of my last final.

Question: How do you snap yourself out of a procastination mode?  Or, if you don’t consider yourself a procastinator, what are your secrets? 😉  For me, setting time limits will usually do the trick.  A quick walk away from the project at hand can do wonders too. 😀

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About One Beautiful Life

Hi and Welcome!!! I'm a 30 something year old who loves Jesus, nutrition, green tea, my family and my tuxedo cat named Humphrey. I enjoy photography, cooking and working at the local hospital as a Registered Dietitian. Thanks for stopping by!

11 thoughts on “procastination–just say “no”

  1. That salad looks awesome – I love the addition of leftovers to salads for some extra flavour. Sometimes setting time limits and goals of what I need to finish that day can help with procrastination.

  2. I love faux chicken parmesan-y things, mainly because I love tomato sauce!

    You only have one exam left! Almost done! Honestly, even if you don’t do well on this ONE exam it won’t effect your four year college career that much. So try not to sweat it too much!

  3. I try not to procrastinate, but I am really bad with it. I usually try to snap myself out of it and set a limitation or give myself a reward if I am able to finish whatever task is at hand.

    Sadly I finished the last of my broccoli while reading this post and didn’t even think to try it with red sauce that has been in my pantry! I suppose that there is always next time.
    -Good luck on your final!

  4. I definitely procrastinate sometimes, especially when I’m tired or I’m at the end of a long journey like college. You earned a bit of procrastination. 🙂 I hope that your exam goes well tonight… Then you’ll be DONE!

  5. I set time limits for myself too. Or tell myself I cannot check email until I have a certain task done. On the slow days, email sure is inviting!

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